Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rhodes Hall Wedding

Yacht Rock played a wedding at Rhodes Hall in Atlanta last night for a couple of .  If you've ever been there, you know there's no room for a seven piece band.  Fortunately, the weather was perfect…almost everybody ate supper on the front lawn, and the band was set up on the porch.  Nice!

This was a super easy gig.  Two sets…we played from about 7:30 til 10, with a break in the middle.  Everybody played well.  We're getting the hang of it!

Here's last night's attempt at Maneater.  I almost got it right.

And the crowd goes wild!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Expensive Stuff

The Yacht Rock Revue played a mixer at the Piedmont Driving Club last night.  Expensive pussy.  Lots of hot, ultra rich women as far as the eye could see.  There was also a crazy lady who terrorized Mark Dannells for a while (much to my enjoyment).

So guess who played a wrong note in the fuckin' Maneater solo?  What the hell is wrong with me?

In my defense, I will say that the sound on stage was kind of strange, and when I went up to play the solo, almost the only thing I could hear was Bencuya's synth (but not really the rhodes) and some drums, and I felt like I might be in the wrong place and maybe my mic wasn't on.

Everything else was cool and they loved us.  Easy gig!

Friday, March 30, 2012

One More at The Ivy

The Yacht Rock Revue played our final show at The Ivy Buckhead last night.  We did our Dazed and Confused stuff, so lots of two guitar/one keyboard stuff.  I spent a lot of time doing nothing.  For the first couple of nothing songs, I turned the volume all the way down on my keyboard and just pretended, but even that got kind of lame.  I watched a lot of Sportscenter…I saw Trent Richardson and Ryan Tannehill's pro day workouts multiple times.

In the second set, I played on four of the songs--one was just tambourine, and one was a wurly part that isn't on the original (so that I would have something to do!).  So…lots of time watching the band.  We did play Whatever Gets You Through the Night.  That was cool.  My other great highlight was sneaking in the intro to Amoreena before the second set.  Thanks to Mark Bencuya to launching my obsession with this song.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Church Things

I did my two church gigs this Sunday.  It was kind of nice getting home earlier last night--I wasn't as tired (or grumpy) at church gig number one.

My AM gig is changing…I'm not sure where it's headed.  For the past year and a half, we've been half traditional hymn based stuff, and half more contemporary stuff with a heavy gospel vibe (which was cool because it left me some room to blow).  Now we're going between the traditional stuff and things that I don't know how to describe…here's the one we played this week:

I'm not sure how it's going over--this and the one we did a few weeks ago have a lot of production in the recording.  We did a horn section thing, but that big velvety wall of strings and stuff isn't there.  I'm not sure what it sounds like in the audience.  I do know that the horn section against the sound on stage feels really weird--there's pretty much no audible guitar, bass, or drums, so it's us trying to get something going with the acoustic piano.  Maybe it works out front…I don't know.

Whatever's happening does feel like a bit of an identity crisis.

The PM church gig was pretty low key.  I did bite my tongue when one of the singers started bitching about her microphone not being on.  It was on and it was coming out of the speakers, and I did check the input level several times.  I get the feeling she's trying to do something to round out her voice, and it's not not cutting through the way it used to.  This week, I'll let it slide.  If I hear more about it next week, I might be persuaded to do bad things…not immoral (we're in a church!), but there are lots of knobs on the mixer.

Another good week of gigs is coming up.

Also, for those of you who are not Facebook people, you might want to take a look at my YouTube channel, which has several recent additions.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Early Wedding

The Yacht Rock Revue played an early evening wedding yesterday…geez!  why don't more people do that?  It was great.  We loaded in (supposedly) at 1:30 PM and finished at 9 PM.  I was home shortly after 10 PM.

The reception was at 103 West, home of the first gig I ever played in Atlanta.  I hadn't been in there in a few years (the downstairs), but they've totally redone it--it's no longer dark and cramped.

We played a set of Beatles stuff and two sets of Yacht Rock.  The playing part moved really quickly.  Easy gig!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Junior League

The Yacht Rock Revue played an event for the Junior League of Atlanta last night.  We were in a tent at some high end kitchen place on the west side of town.  It was us, some food, and a pack of good looking women.

The gig went pretty well.  No issues.  My Nord was back to normal.

We finished at 11, and I was home shortly after midnight--it's a quick load out when you can back up to the door of the tent.

Friday, March 23, 2012


The 10 High was pretty blah last night.  The whole night was a grind.

1.  I turned on my Nord, and half the sounds were missing.  Pianos, yes;  upright piano, yes;  rhodes, no; wurly, no;  clav, no;  mellotron, yes.  What the hell?  All you could hear was what sounded like the return on the effects, so it was just a small amount of rhodes with a lot of reverb (the fundamental sound was not there).  Why?  Don't know.  I was able to work around it with the other keyboard.  Glad it didn't happen at a monster gig where I would have been closer to suicidal.

2.  Egnater pointed at me.  Why?  Don't know.

3.  A constant stream of cigarette smoke from the pack of over 50s swingers.  I know they're harmless, but they creep me out (and no, I will not hug you) and they chain smoke right in front of me the entire night.  Why can't they go bug Bencuya for a while?

4.  Annoying middle aged women who think they're MILFs because they've given birth.  No, you can't wear my hat.  No, you can't have the tambourine.  No.

The stripper hanging out with a local radio personality:  "I love your sax playing.  I play alto saxophone."

Me:  "Cool!  Thanks for coming out tonight."  I never know what to say to that…what you did in middle school band and what I do now are veeeerrrry far apart.

Stripper:  "Why are you standing alone in the dark?"

Me:  "There's no one in here that I want to talk to."

Stripper:  "Oh.  Sorry."

That's the way it went.

I plugged in the Nord today and everything works fine, which leads me to believe that even my equipment hates the 10 High.