Thursday, July 30, 2009

new photos added

It's raining today. You can't hear it over the computer, but my grass is applauding.

I found several pictures of last weekend's Y.O.U. CD release show on Mixtape Atlanta. The ones with me magically made their way to my website. You can view them here.

It's been a slow week for news. I've been practicing the Mucyznski Times Pieces for clarinet and the strings (keyboard) for Christopher Cross' Sailing.

Oooh, here's an update: last night I did a gig with a DJ and percussionist for some technology thing at the Hyatt downtown--one of those things with booths and florescent lighting. I got there an hour before the gig, and the DJ and percussionist we already set up, so I plugged into the PA and I was ready. Right when the gig was supposed to start, the client decided to move us across the room to another location (some big client was worried we'd be too loud for his customers). So...they moved us in a corner next to someone else, who immediately started complaining about the potential volume. So we played with the speakers almost backwards, and me playing nothing louder than acoustic flute. As thankful as I am for the gig, I hope whomever hired us realizes that was a dumb use of the band he'd hired. Seen but not heard!
I will say that I saw somebody with one of the 24 inch Mac cinema screens. Man, that was sweet!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Friday night, we played Mara Davis' 40th birthday party at the W Midtown (Colony Square). That was a pretty good one. The load in was a little rough--into the tunnel under the hotel, up the elevator to the top floor, down a long hallway, and you're in there. Not the easiest, but I had my cart, so it was not bad. After we set up, we walked to the park to go eat, and I got lots of looks due to my current style--bald head, mustache, and I happened to be wearing a Mac shirt with a big rainbow across the front. The party itself was pretty lame, due mainly to loud house music and a poor attempt at a roast. Our part of the show came off really well. It was pretty easy. I think we played about an hour and a half and we were done.

Saturday night we played Smith's Olde Bar. Everyone from Yacht Rock was involved, but it was the release of Y.O.U.'s new EP (which is awesome, by the way). For this gig, we added my friend Eric Alexander on trombone for five songs. I like the sounds we got without having a trumpet present. Eric and I play well together, too, so this gig was a ton of fun. I did a few of the arrangements, and we adjusted a few of Nick's arrangements to make it work for the two horns, and everything worked well. I dug it.

Playing a gig like that always causes me to reevaluate my career. Sometimes I think there's so much pressure to make the money I need to support my family, I forget about the raw energy of getting up in front of a crowd who's there to see you and letting it rip. The story of my musical life, I guess...trying to play enough money gigs to keep myself afloat, but also trying to play in every creative musical situation that I can get to.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Double Duty

I did two gigs yesterday (Thursday).

First I went to the 10 High and set up my Yacht Rock equipment (EWI, keyboard, amp, sax stands). Then I went and played my first gig.
I did a gig with a DJ and a house music for a private party for Microsoft. We were at Rathbun's Steak House on Krog Street in Inman Park. We were fed well (see the picture--I ate everything pictured). It was a cool gig--very easy. It started late and ended early, and we made big bucks, so I like all of that.
After that, I jumped in the truck and boogied over to the 10 High to play Yacht Rock. That went well. I'm getting more comfortable with the different parts I'm covering. I've gotten past being overwhelmed by things like "people are going to be able to hear me playing keyboard!" Now it's all fun. I like doing it alot. The place was packed, as usual. I didn't screw up "Africa" like I have the past two times we've played it, so I was very pleased with myself there. I had to punish a bad tenor reed that went mushy on me. We played "Who Can it Be Now?", and the top note of the sax riff, and F#, was not working. My reed was too soft. Kind of embarrassing. Sooo, when the gig was over I pitched that reed. Same thing happened to me last night at a rehearsal, so I pitched that one too.

It's a tough thing with reeds. They've got to be strong enough to withstand me playing full blast--dare I say, overblowing!--on gigs like the 10 High, but I need them to be flexible enough to not sound like I have sock in the bell on quiet gigs. I am definitely guilty of sometimes whittling them down too much so that there's not backbone left in them. Anyway, I'm breaking in some more today.

Jack and I are off to the pool.

Tonight, Yacht Rock is playing Mara Davis' birthday party. Very cool!

Tomorrow is the release of the new Y.O.U. "Long-Playing E.P." at Smith's Olde Bar. It will be cool. You should get there.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Y.O.U.-The Long Playing EP

The Y.O.U. CD release concert is this Saturday at Smith's Olde Bar. I will be performing on multiple tunes. Please come check us out--support original music!

Monday, July 20, 2009

What day is it today?

I got off the couch this morning at 5 AM and tried to get in bed and go to sleep, but my mind started churning about the horn charts I needed to write for this weekend's Y.O.U. CD release party (Saturday, July 25 at Smith's Olde Bar). By the time Beth got up, I'd just about finished putting the first chart into the computer.
I taught two lessons today (one at the car wash and one at Music and Arts). I came home and went straight to bed for a nap. I got up and ate, and then Jack, Reggie and I played soccer in the front yard for a half hour.
I swung by Radio Shack today and purchased a battery checker/meter to see if I can better manage my batteries that I use for my EWI. In other words, hopefully the damn thing won't stop working when I least expect it.

My knees are going bad--specifically, my right knee. In college, the cold weather would make my right knee ache and I'd have to move it occasionally or I would writhe in agony. That's held true for how ever many years it's been since I was at IU. Lately it's been hurting the day after a gig--both knees are sore, but the right one sometimes doesn't come out of it. I think I'm getting old. I pity Jack's grandchildren--they probably won't be able to walk! My grandfather had bad knees from a lifetime of walking rice and soybeen fields. I have bad knees. Beth's father has bad knees from football. We're going down.

I watched the stuff on the moon landing on TV today. Cool as ever. Somebody mentioned that the flight computer in the Apollo capsule had as much computing power as a modern calculator. Even if that's not exact, wow! Does it say more about how good those guys were, or how awesome modern calculators are! Way to go Texas Instruments!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yacht Rock Wedding

We (Yacht Rock) played a wedding reception at Chateau Elan last night. It was pretty cool. I get concerned when I think about whether or not we have enough material to make it through four hours of partying, but we had plenty of tunes we could have done that we did not touch. We probably could have cobbled together an entire set of material if we'd needed to continue.
Nothing really new to report on the music front. I am enjoying my moment as a keyboardist in the band. Now that I'm past the shock of playing the thing in public, it's fun, and not an insurmountable challenge. I do think it's kind of a silly situation. The argument for a second keyboardist is to cover more parts and fill out the sound, but when I am charged with filling that role, I am in no one's monitor, so nobody hears me (other than what's coming out of my own amp), so how do they know if I'm playing acceptably or not?
I rode home with Mark Dannells and Mark Bencuya, and they talked about bands and music that I'd never heard of. I feel like I know nothing about music compared to these guys.

Today, I'm taking Jack to the pool and playing my church gig tonight. Nice and easy!

I previewed a track from the upcoming Y.O.U. release. It sounds awesome. Their CD release party is this coming Saturday night at Smith's Olde Bar. You really need to come check it out. Their music is very cool. Wes Funderburk and I played on the track I'm listening to. I'd forgotten how many horns we'd stacked on this sucker. I think I played a couple of tenor tracks, a couple of alto tracks, and at least one bari track on it, and Wes played tenor trombone and a slide trumpet thing. It sounds great! Wes is as good as there is.

This week is a wild one. Y.O.U. has a rehearsal for the CD release Wednesday night. Thursday, I have a private gig in front of the usual Yacht Rock/10 High gig. Friday night Yacht Rock is playing Mara Davis' (Dave FM) birthday party. Saturday night is the CD release for Y.O.U. I'll do my best to keep you posted.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

new pics, new promo

Check out some new photos by a Yacht Rock fan--added to the gallery page of my website. Pretty cool. They're from July 2, 2009.

Also, I added two promos for our upcoming special event, titled "Mustache Rock", coming up July 30 at the 10 High and August 7 at Andrews. You can view them (if you dare) on the live performance page of my website.

Other than that, I've been banging on the keyboard alot lately trying to get good for this weekend's Yacht Rock gigs.