I got off the couch this morning at 5 AM and tried to get in bed and go to sleep, but my mind started churning about the horn charts I needed to write for this weekend's Y.O.U. CD release party (Saturday, July 25 at Smith's Olde Bar). By the time Beth got up, I'd just about finished putting the first chart into the computer.
I taught two lessons today (one at the car wash and one at Music and Arts). I came home and went straight to bed for a nap. I got up and ate, and then Jack, Reggie and I played soccer in the front yard for a half hour.
I swung by Radio Shack today and purchased a battery checker/meter to see if I can better manage my batteries that I use for my EWI. In other words, hopefully the damn thing won't stop working when I least expect it.
My knees are going bad--specifically, my right knee. In college, the cold weather would make my right knee ache and I'd have to move it occasionally or I would writhe in agony. That's held true for how ever many years it's been since I was at IU. Lately it's been hurting the day after a gig--both knees are sore, but the right one sometimes doesn't come out of it. I think I'm getting old. I pity Jack's grandchildren--they probably won't be able to walk! My grandfather had bad knees from a lifetime of walking rice and soybeen fields. I have bad knees. Beth's father has bad knees from football. We're going down.
I watched the stuff on the moon landing on TV today. Cool as ever. Somebody mentioned that the flight computer in the Apollo capsule had as much computing power as a modern calculator. Even if that's not exact, wow! Does it say more about how good those guys were, or how awesome modern calculators are! Way to go Texas Instruments!