But first, a little bit of gear maintenance: my Nord (the red keyboard) has been jumping out of the cleats that hold it in place inside the case, so I added some extra foam to the inside of the lid to hopefully hold it down. I also made two blocks of foam to add to The Great Bencuya's Nord keyboard case. Hopefully that will keep the keyboards from banging around inside the cases.
So...we had a gig at the Aquarium, in the ballroom. The belugas are doing well.
This was another one of those low excitement corporate gigs. They pay really well, though, so I can only complain so much. It was weird to me, though, that they used the entire ballroom (which is pretty big), but they only had a couple of hundred people there.
As I was dragging my gear out at the end of the night, some dude from the party asked if I was the drummer.
"Wait--you play the, uh, skin flute!" (and pantomimed playing the EWI).
"No. I was the keyboard player." Not entirely untrue.