Saturday, April 4, 2015

Demonstration Day, then more Dave and Dave Duo in Decatur

Long day...I was up early to demonstrate every woodwind I own as part of the Celebration of the Arts at a local elementary school.  I have no idea how it went over;  mentally, I didn't wake up until around halfway through.

A few things...

All clarinet demonstrations began with a discussion of Squidward (from Spongebob Squarepants).  Likewise, I did my best to explain that Kelpy G on Spongebob is a Kenny G joke.  Who is Kenny G? He owns part of Starbucks, he's a good golfer...I prefer to think of the soprano saxophone renaissance as coming from Branford Marsalis, another name that means nothing.

I played Baker Street a couple of times, prefaced by saying "You may hear this in Publix."

In speaking about tenor saxophone altissimo, I brought up Lenny Pickett from Saturday Night Live, only to realize that none of them are old enough to stay up and watch it, and if they could, they're probably not watching to see LP.

No, I'm not rich. No, I don't own a plane.

After a pretty solid nap, it was off to Decatur for another Dave and Dave Duo gig, this time at Sun in my Belly.  Good times were had!  Much more enjoyable gig than the Thursday night.

Check it out.