Monday, November 7, 2011


Yacht Rock played a wedding at the Capital City Club in Brookhaven Saturday night.  Weddings can be fun--it can be another gig you play, and there might be half a dozen really cool moments.  On the other hand, a wedding reception can drag on forever--you're playing a gig (usually in a four hour block) in a room with poor acoustics in front of an audience who isn't there to see you.  It can become a drag really early.

This particular reception was the latter…we pushed on through it, but everybody was checking the clock.

When we started, I noticed that'd left the volume on my amplifier really low, so as a challenge, I backed it down--in fact, I played just about all of the second and third sets with the volume completely off (independent of my signal going to the PA, so it didn't effect what I sounded like in the room…presumably).  Even though the volume knob was at zero, I could still hear the sounds in my head--pretty cool.

It was kind of curious that nobody else in the band mentioned my lack of on stage sound.  Was it acoustics or indifference?

My two Sunday church gigs were pretty regular.  Looking back, I can't think of anything significant about either one.  Both sounded good.  Easy stuff.