Yacht Rock is doing another Christmas song, and last night was my turn to go in the studio and lay down a solo--this time on EWI. It took a while (with everybody sitting there waiting on me), but we finally got something useable out of it.
Nick and Pete went in afterwards and sang the hell out of it. It sounds really good.
Mark Dannells recorded his guitar tracks at home. The solo he came up with is AWESOME! It's perfect! I wish I could do something that good. It's so slick and it's so logical, but it still sounds like he's going for it. That's not an easy combination. He nailed it.
It's funny with these recordings...when we start, it's hard for me to hear if everything's going to work, and at some point I can finally hear enough of the finished product that it makes sense. We're taking a Christmas song and blending it with a well known Yacht Rock song, and I am impressed by the ability to forecast the final version.
We received pictures from the gig we played last Wednesday. Here's one. I'm going to add the others to my website. I sprinkled the three pictures in, but not on the gallery page. Hunt around at the bottom of the other pages to find them.
Thriller is making an encore appearance tonight at the 10 High. Come check it out if you missed it last weekend.