Greetings. What a day yesterday! Beth called not long after I got up reporting water in her car (it was raining). Of course, I was expected to fix the problem immediately! So, I eventually diagnosed that the drains for the sunroof were clogged and the excess water was draining into the headliner. I worked on cleaning out the two tubes that carry the water to the outside (basically, I tore apart the interior of the front corners of the car). I had to stop so I could go teach. When I got back, I had to pick up Jack at a friend's house (Beth was at ASO Chorus rehearsal). We boogied home so that I could clean house and get the laundry done while she was gone. I cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed the house, and got the laundry cleaned and put away. That left me just enough time to read three stories and get Jack to bed before he crashed. After he went to sleep, I ate supper and finished working on the car (including the worst part--putting it all back together). I got to bed at 3:15 AM. Hopefully the car is done so I don't have to hear about it anymore.
On the gig front, I played a whole bunch last week, and I've got a bunch of stuff this week. That's good, because we're just about out of money. Attached is a nice shot of me at the Star Bar playing with YOU.
Yacht Rock performed at 500 Songs for Kids this past weekend. It's always a ton of fun to watch other bands do their thing. Their music careers, I'm assuming, have been much different from mine. I have been a hired gun from the day I started--call me, and I'll come play with you. Most of these guys, I'd guess, have always been in a band (with a certain amount of exclusivity to that). I wonder if I was fifteen years older if I would have spent more time as "the sax player in the band," instead of an add-on.