Yacht Rock played a gig at the Atlanta History Center.
It went ok. I had a difficult time locking into the time last night.
I played keyboard (along with my other crap), and I was a little uncoordinated in moving from part to part. Along with this was the fact that the stage was so small my horns were not on stage, and it kept me permanently out of sorts. At one point, Mark Cobb had already counted off the next song and I was still trying to get back to my spot across the stage.
Kip Conner ran sound again. He had my horn really loud a couple of times. I love that.
The load out of the History Center is pretty miserable if you have to use the loading dock. There's no ramp off the dock, so if you have anything on a cart (like myself), you have to wheel it to the dock, take everything off the cart and set it on the dock, reload your cart and continue. Also, there's always two or three other people (caterers, furniture people) trying to do the same thing, which makes for a mess. Couple that with the slow freight elevator, and it's a real drag.