Sorry for the lack of posts. I'm under the gun.
Yacht Rock is playing the entire Thriller album for Halloween, and we're desperately trying to throw the tunes together. Last week we tackled the first two (Wanna Be Startin' Something and Baby Be Mine). This week is The Girl is Mine and Thriller. Even though we have two keyboardists playing multiple keyboards, there are still parts for me on EWI. So...I'm trying to get those together. Mostly it's about getting sounds--writing out my parts is no big deal, but I can spend a long time comparing what I think the sound is to the actual record. It is super tedious.
Friday Yacht Rock is going into the studio to record a Christmas tune, and I need to do some homework to prepare for that. We have to be at the studio at noon, so there's no chance I can learn it tomorrow before the session. From there, I'm leaving to go to a gig at Lake Oconee, so Friday is shot.
This is worth noting because I have a Yacht Rock gig Saturday where I am the second keyboardist, and I have to learn three songs for that. That will take some time, as I am very slow.
In addition to all that, I am missing a Platnumb gig this Saturday, and I need to give my book to John Hancotte on Friday afternoon to take with him. The book has to be ready before I leave for Yacht Rock tonight, because I won't have time to do it before I leave tomorrow morning.
If I make it to Sunday, I'll really need to kick in gear! Monday night, we (Yacht Rock), have a rehearsal where we are going to try Thriller all the way through.