Thursday was another day that didn't look too bad when I checked my calendar.
I went by Music and Arts to buy a new saxophone stand. I have a couple of Hamilton stands that I've been using, but the bumpers at the bottom don't cradle my horns well, and I've tried to bend them and get them to work, but it's never been what I wanted. The older ones have a V shaped bumper--the newer ones are pretty flat, and they don't work that well in my opinion. It started to bug me, so I moved on. I had a Hercules stand that was holding an old saxophone up at home, and so I switched one of the Hamiltons out for that. I went and got another one so I'd have two in my bag.
While I was buying my stand, I overheard the clerk working say that he is now the manager. If my memory is right, that's the fourth manager in four years. Ahh, retail! I'll have to get the scoop on what happened to the other guy. Anyway, when he got around to me he mentioned that they brought on a new woodwinds teacher for Wednesday. No big deal--they'd asked me about coming in on Wednesdays and Thursdays but I declined because I teach from home on those days. So I asked who it was, and he said it some Fulton Co. band director. She's primarily a clarinetist, but is willing to teach beginner saxophone. Ok...and then the guy tells me straight out that the store will be funneling potential clarinet students towards her (just like I presume that the reason I have so few flute students is because they funnel the flute students to the end of the week when a there's a flute teacher at the store). What the hell is that? If the idea is to have a woodwind person there every day of the week, shouldn't the schedule be the determining factor in who ends up with the student? Maybe I'm making too much of this, but it's been my experience that having a mix of flutes, clarinets, and saxophones keeps my schedule much more full. I have fifteen students at the store right now. Seven are saxophones. The other eight are clarinetists.
On to Yacht Rock.
It appears my tenure as the second keyboardist is coming to a close. Mike Bielenberg will be coming on next Thursday to replace Brandon Still. I've known Bielenberg for probably ten years, and he is an excellent keyboardist and a really creative guy. Good news for Yacht Rock for sure. I think there are a couple of more random gigs for which he won't be available, but it sounds like he's our man for the future.
Last night was pretty good. Not the crowd disaster we had last week, where the rain kept everybody away. This week's group was pretty good. I'd say about average, numbers-wise. Lucky for them MARK COBB IS BACK! After about four of five shows where he was not quite on the ball, he was back in a big way, and it was really cool. Tempos were good, the grooves were good...he's back to being awesome. I love it. When he's playing well, it makes everybody else in the band play better. For me, his playing determines whether or not we're happening, musically.
Mark Dannells played some great stuff. I remember this one wrong note he played, and he bent the hell out of it to fix it. Even when it was wrong, it sounded so good. I'm a big fan if solos that sort of trip and recover--too safe is no good. I'm not saying totally-suck-and-get to the end; but the note that makes your face go ouch! and then you figure out a way to make it work--that's cool. That note was a great example.
I crashed one Magic. I got behind on the chords, and it took me an entire verse and chorus for my head to get up to speed. I hate it worse because Nick was standing next to me while I was making a mess. It reinforces the need to find another keyboardist! Fair enough. I need to be more consistent if I'm going to keep up with the level everyone else has set.
Yacht Rock has two gigs on Saturday with an hour and a half to go from one to the next. We're going to need a roadies and a police escort to make it.