Greetings, readers! It's been almost a month since I updated the blog--my apologies! My world has rapidly accelerated back to pre-COVID speed, and I've been hanging on for dear life. Anyway, here we go!
Friday, March 25: We set sail on The Beach Boys Cruise out of Miami on the Norwegian Pearl, a boat we know very well (I think somebody said this was our sixteenth music cruise, and almost all of them have been on here). Norwegian used their downtime to update the cabins. I approve! It's mostly just a less orange color scheme, but the bathroom has been updated as well.
The sail away show featured The Temptations. There is still one original guy and he's eighty-something years old. The other fourteen guys are younger guys, replacements through the years. Are they still The Temptations at this point, or a cover band?
My usual routine for these cruises: sleep as much as possible, run on the treadmill, practice as much as I can without driving anybody crazy, play the gigs, eat the Indian food. All of these tasks were accomplished. Maybe I should also add "get sunburned," because I fell asleep in a deck chair on Sunday and got pretty red.
Anyway, I practiced flute on my balcony. Maybe it bugged Kip? Maybe he was just being grumpy.
We always have a band dinner at the teppanyaki restaurant, so we did it Saturday night.
Nothing else to do (after my sunburn and run), so I practiced on my balcony, and the Carnival people kept telling me how much they enjoyed listening to me play. Kip was less enthusiastic about it.
Monday, we returned to Miami. Our flight wasn't until the afternoon, so we drank coffee, looked at our phones, ate lunch, looked at our phones, and finally boarded. I watched Julia (a bio about Julia Child) on the flight. Pretty interesting stuff!
Wednesday, March 30, Yacht Rock reassembled (with Nick on the front line on a stool) for a corporate event in Atlanta. Hello pollen! I have no idea for whom we were playing. Easy gig, though. The hardest part was trying to figure out where we loading in our gear.
Surprisingly, this show was not particularly well attended. I guess I thought people would have packed the place out, but no. It was also streamed on the internet, so maybe there was an audience there.
Here are some solo highlights from my book:
On Sunday morning, I played a Palm Sunday service on clarinet and flute at a Methodist church, and it was the easiest check I'd earned in quite some time--basically playing out of the hymnal along with the choir and an organist who couldn't have cared less whether or not we (myself, a flutist, and a cellist) could be heard!
Wednesday, April 13, Yacht Rock played a corporate gig at the Intercontinental in Buckhead. Piece of cake gig, with loaders doing the godawful push down one of the longest hallways in Atlanta. Other than that, whatever. We were mostly paying attention.
Gee wiz the stage was cold, though. They crank the air conditioner at load in, and the vents were blowing right on me. I'd brought a space heater for the following night in Asheville (an outdoor gig), but it was chilly enough here that I pulled it out of the backseat and turned it on for the first half of the night.
This gig was pretty good. I had a couple of moments where my brain started to brown out, but I mostly held it together.
Post show hotel hallway: I think if you need this many tampons and pads, you probably need to go to the emergency room. Maybe this was some kind of insane girls' weekend or something.
However! This place has massively upgraded, and the stage is huge and the production is way better and the green rooms are nicer. I can dig it now.
I had some problems with this one. Our fourth gig in a row was kind of wearing on me, and I was cold (even with my heater, the breeze in our faces made it tough). The pollen was also fairly strong and the breeze helped to cover everything with it, and that was annoying. When I see my gear again next week, I'll have to wipe everything down, so yay for that. And then there were bugs--lots of bugs--all over my keyboards, on the screen, in between the keys, walking around, coming and going. I got preoccupied with them. At one point, I managed to mute the organ sounds on my Nord, and I so then I had to troubleshoot that while playing a gig in a dark cloud of fog.
I couldn't get in the groove on this one--didn't play anything particularly inspiring. I didn't feel real great, and I was annoyed with all the strobes and blackouts that were happening with the lights--plus the hazer for the lights completely wiped me out a couple of times. The whole thing was frustrating. I was glad to get out of here. Maybe next time. Maybe we'll get back into The Orange Peel.

Sunday, April 17, we jumped in the van at 8 AM, and Hans delivered us back to Atlanta, leaving me just enough time to zoom home, eat lunch, grab a different set of gear, and head up to Kennesaw State to play the last SpongeBob show before the musical closed. Success!
We're in Atlanta all this weekend, with two nights at Venkman's and then a private thing on Saturday. Plus, I'll be back on my Sunday afternoon church gig. See you around town.