Monday, June 4, 2018

Tis the Season

Another wedding! A year ago, I was certain we'd priced ourselves out of the wedding band market, but here we are, playing another wedding, with the bonus for this one being that the gig was in Atlanta.

This was a WILD one, and included several Buckhead wedding stereotypes; the flock of Ivankas in bridesmaid dresses, to pushy people who wanted to get on stage or make suggestions about what we should be doing, and the guy Nick dubbed "Buckhead Mr. Bean." We played this gig (one big set) under duress, trying to keep the downtime between songs to an absolute minimum. Most of the madness faded by midway through the gig, and then came roaring back at the end, with the bridesmaids on stage for Don't Stop Believing (one of whom accidentally popped Pete in the face while stealing his microphone). There was some very angry confusion about whether or not to play an encore (with us hiding in a back hallway while they sorted it out), a call of help (someone had thrown up more than once and passed out at the bar), and then an uncomfortable silence as people filed out, demanding that the night continue.

All in all, a slammin' party, though--people were dancing from the first song, and the floor was packed for most of the evening. Everybody had a great time. We met up with the groom before the newlyweds departed, and he could not have been a nicer guy, and really appreciated our performance.

Home by midnight!

A few shows this week:

1. Thursday, we're playing Purple Rain at Venkman's. If you missed us in Piedmont Park last month, here's your chance.

2. Friday, we'll be in Birmingham, Alabama to play at Avondale Brewing Co.

3. Saturday, we'll be at a birthday party in Oxford, Mississippi. You probably can't go to that one, but if you see me running around town, say hey.