Sunday, November 25, 2018

Turkey Time

Two Yacht Rock gigs this week--the day before Thanksgiving, and the day after.

Wednesday night was pretty good. The only song that kind of bit me was Minute by Minute--there's a tricky spot where I have one beat to change sounds and get both hands lined up correctly. Sometimes I need a little extra time. That was the case this evening. Everything else was fine. I never could really find my groove, though.

Other thoughts: local jazz legend Kevin Bales was up front checking us out all night. It was cool that he was there checking us out, but I think it got in my head that I needed to impress him.

Alyssa Olson (Pete's wife) guested on Islands in the Stream. She sounded great and looked to be having more fun than anybody in the room.

Here's video of the gig.

Friday's "Black Friday" gig unfortunately didn't Steely Dan's Black Friday (which would've been cool). In fact, with a couple of subs in tow, the setlist stayed much closer to songs we've been playing for years. Mark Cobb and Mark Bencuya were our designated survivors for the evening, so we had Ganesh Giri Jaya on drums and Dustin Cottrell on keyboards filling in.

This show seemed to flow a little better than Wednesday night, and I didn't start watching the clock until we were well into the right hand column. The crowd was really good on this night, too, and that helped. Whatever it was, I was quite a bit more comfortable.

This one was also broadcast across the internet: