Tuesday, September 29, 2015

AM Church Gigs and Golf Gig #2

I wish I'd taken more advantage of my early Saturday gig by going to bed early, but I didn't.  Unfortunately, I was up extra early to make a trio of church gigs at St. Ann's.  Once I was up, it really wasn't that bad--it's the early afternoon crash that gets me.

The church gigs were super easy;  the songs aren't difficult and the people are cool.  As much as anything it was a cool hang with the the two guys who run the music there, a chance to work on my soprano sax tuning.  I'll be back to do it again one Sunday in October.

After lunch, I headed out to another Yacht Rock gig (a big weekend for us).  This was a kickoff party for pro golfer Stewart Cink's Cink It Challenge,  which raises money for two local charities.  We've played this gig (I think) four years in a row now.  It's an easy, well run event.  

My sax effects pedal was acting strange--it appears that I traded on electronic gremlin for another.  Fortunately, it wasn't sounding weird, but the display kept showing the settings for the patch I was on.  I'm not sure why.  

Other than that, things were cool.  The rain even let up long enough for us to enjoy the fall weather.

We're headed to the northeast this coming weekend, with shows in Boston (The Royale), New York City (The Bowery Ballroom), Huntington NY (The Paramount), and Washington DC (The Hamilton).