Thursday, December 10, 2009

Delbert Frickin' Felix!

Last night I played a quartet gig with Louis Heriveaux (piano), Delbert Felix (bass), and Marlon Patton (drums). It was one of the best jazz gigs I've played in a while. The band was so good!
Louis is awesome, and I'd never played a gig with Marlon--he was everything I'd heard about. The big story was Delbert Felix, of whom I've known for years. Delbert was in Branford Marsalis' band for a several years in the late 80s/early 90s. I pretty much wore out the two Branford records he's on: Random Abstract and Trio Jeepy (which I had on cassette, and could probably sing the whole record!). I'd met up with him a few years ago at a jam session where he said he liked my playing alot. We played Triste that night. It was a highlight of my professional life.
It's a great thrill to call Delbert for a gig and have him accept. I mean, IT'S DELBERT FRICKIN' FELIX!
Here are the mp3s: