When I got home from teaching last night, I ate and watched the football game. Good stuff! Too bad I passed out on the couch trying to get to the end of the third quarter! Not only did I miss the last play, and not only did I not get anything else done last night, but I woke up refreshed and ready to go at 2:30 AM! Ugh! I could not get back to sleep. I ended up watching St. Elmo's Fire for about the 188th time. It never gets old. I don't know why. It's a cliche, I know, but this movie takes me back, and the associations I used to make with the different characters still rings true. Ahh...I'm getting sentimental!
Since this a music blog, I will point out that the love theme (on saxophone) is great, and I think I played it on saxophone about a million times when I was in middle school. I would also point out that the weird luggage strap idea on Rob Lowe's saxophone is a total Clarence Clemmons rip-off, and probably not practical--I would think that the horn would hang too low, or go in your mouth at a weird angle. Also, the pretend sax playing is really bad. It also frightens me that he does not own a case. But I digress...
The bad news is that around 4 this morning (still wide awake), I decided to take a Benedryl to knock me out. It worked...but I didn't wake up until noon today, which means I am wasting even MORE time. In fact, I'm wasting time right now writing this. I've got to get it together.