We (Yacht Rock) played a wedding reception at Chateau Elan last night. It was pretty cool. I get concerned when I think about whether or not we have enough material to make it through four hours of partying, but we had plenty of tunes we could have done that we did not touch. We probably could have cobbled together an entire set of material if we'd needed to continue.
Nothing really new to report on the music front. I am enjoying my moment as a keyboardist in the band. Now that I'm past the shock of playing the thing in public, it's fun, and not an insurmountable challenge. I do think it's kind of a silly situation. The argument for a second keyboardist is to cover more parts and fill out the sound, but when I am charged with filling that role, I am in no one's monitor, so nobody hears me (other than what's coming out of my own amp), so how do they know if I'm playing acceptably or not?
I rode home with Mark Dannells and Mark Bencuya, and they talked about bands and music that I'd never heard of. I feel like I know nothing about music compared to these guys.
Today, I'm taking Jack to the pool and playing my church gig tonight. Nice and easy!
I previewed a track from the upcoming Y.O.U. release. It sounds awesome. Their CD release party is this coming Saturday night at Smith's Olde Bar. You really need to come check it out. Their music is very cool. Wes Funderburk and I played on the track I'm listening to. I'd forgotten how many horns we'd stacked on this sucker. I think I played a couple of tenor tracks, a couple of alto tracks, and at least one bari track on it, and Wes played tenor trombone and a slide trumpet thing. It sounds great! Wes is as good as there is.
This week is a wild one. Y.O.U. has a rehearsal for the CD release Wednesday night. Thursday, I have a private gig in front of the usual Yacht Rock/10 High gig. Friday night Yacht Rock is playing Mara Davis' (Dave FM) birthday party. Saturday night is the CD release for Y.O.U. I'll do my best to keep you posted.